
Holi celebrations

Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates the beginning of spring and the value of good.
Monday, March 19, 2018

Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates the beginning of spring and the value of good. It is a colourful spectacle that is usually celebrated with the throwing of powder paint at each other in the street.


Here at BISM a powder paint celebration was not possible, yet there was indeed a colourful spectacle in school. Throughout the week, the children learnt about the customs and traditions of this Hindu festival. They also created intricate Mehndi hand designs that were put together to create a whole school circle of hands in the hall. Each class came up with their own Rangoli pattern which they carefully made using coloured sand in class teams. In Lower School art club, Miss Portelli and Miss Frost encouraged the children to explore colours using powder paint.


Once again, the catering team came up with a delightful meal to honour the celebration, a delicious chicken korma with handmade onion bhajis. It was delicious!


When all classes had made their art, they took turns to go and observe the colourful array complete with lit candles and traditional Indian music, it was very relaxing!

To complete the week, the children in Years 1 and 3 were given the opportunity to attend a yoga session kindly taught by Luz (a parent in school), they stretched and moved in a variety of poses surrounded by the Rangoli patterns.


Let’s hope the colours of Holi can help spread the message of peace and happiness!


Best wishes,


Mrs Rutherford

PSHE Coordinator